Tuesday, May 7, 2013

cos-play photo database

so as you know i went to c2e2 a couple of weeks ago. and as you know i put pictures of my adventures at the con on my flickr page. well i was contacted by a person who has a website that links bunches of different peoples pictures of cos-playing. and this person wanted to add my pictures from c2e2. i was delighted and agreed. so you now can find my pictures along side other peoples pictures from c2e2. here's the link to the website. your going to have to scroll down to chicago comic entertainment expo (c2e2) it is alphabetical. my pictures are under the name little_egan. but please check out all the other photos that are listed from that weekend. there are some great ones. some very professional photos too. i love seeing all the cos-playing that people do. hope you enjoy the database.

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