Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Breanna's Wedding Weekend

So this past weekend I was at my dad's and the whole weekend was about getting things done for my stepsister's (breanna) wedding. My sister (marianne) is going to be making Breanna's wedding dress so most of the weekend was about getting the things for that. But we also got the bridesmaid dresses. Breanna's dress it going to be a strapless heart shaped dress. Its going to be beautiful! Marianne is an amazing dress maker so she'll do an awesome job. And Breanna is beautiful so she will look great all on her own. The bridesmaid dresses are going to be purple and us bridesmaids will look great. The wedding isn't until August but I'm starting to get excited. Here are some pictures from the weekend. The first picture is of Marianne and I in the bridesmaid dresses. The next two photos are of Marianne working on the dress. I'm not going to post Breanna in the dress for I don't want to give anything away. :)

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