Sunday, August 18, 2013

Renaissance faire

Yesterday I went to the Bristol, wi renaissance faire with my friend Melissa and her friend Jamie. Melissa dressed up in a cool corset and skirt. Jamie and I just wore 'normal' clothes. Although, I did wear my astrolabe which I got at ren faire in 2010.

I had a good time hanging out with the girls. We saw the barley balanced show and the last joust of the day. I bought a cool cigerret holder that is made out of meerschaum. And I got a cool bullet holder that will wrap around my leg. I got that for my Steampunk costume (I can't wait to wear it with the costume!). I did stuff my face while I was there with a turkey leg that was the size of my fist. Hehe.

While we were at ren faire I introduced the ladies to Letterboxing. We found three stamps. One really Melissa found it not the rest of us. Hehe.

Melissa seemed to really like Letterboxing and wants to go find more stamps! So I told her I'd be happy to go out with her to find new ones! You know me, I love finding letterboxes. :)

Here are some photos from the day. me stuffing my face. melissa with jamie. melissa and i. a little act that was performed right in front of us. some of the letterboxes we found.

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