Wednesday, January 16, 2013

the wheel of time

so on jan 8th the last book of the wheel of time came out, a memory of light. and i of course i got to barnes and noble and waited for it to open so i could get the book. i finished it yesterday and i have to say i thought it was great! i've been reading the series since i was in like 5th grade (i don't remember exactly when i started reading it) and it is the series that really got me into fantasy literature. i thought i would share different things about the last book of the series and just things about the series that i loved.

i love the series so much i have two tattoos that are from the books. the first tattoo i ever got is on my neck and it is a picture that is in the books. it's some leaves with vines. you can see a picture of it in my last post showing my steampunk outfit. the second tattoo i have from the series is the last tattoo i got that is on my arm. here's a picture of it. it says 'dovie'andi se tovya sagain'. which means 'it's time to toss the dice'. it's in a language from the books. sorry the picture is backwards, stupid mirror. hehe. i liked the idea that you have to take a chance if you want different things in life. and so i wanted that idea with me always. always to remind me to take chances and see where my life goes. 

needless to say i'm in the love with the series. when robert jordan died i was worried what would happen to the series, but i'm really happy with what brandon sanderson did. he once described taking over the series as if another director was making the same movie. i thought that was a good description of him taking over. i thought brandon sanderson did a great job. and i just wanted to say thank you to him for all that he did for the series.

on jan 9th i got to see brandon sanderson, harriot (robert jordan's widow) and a helper (who sadly i can't remember her name. but she she helped with the series from the beginning). it's the second time i got to see brandon sanderson. there was a book signing and that's how i got to see them. i didn't get a booked signed (i have a different book in the series signed by him) but i listened to the Q&A that was done. i always like listening to those for you get to see how different parts of the series was done. here is a picture brandon sanderson and company from that night.

the last book was wonderful (spoilers alert). i really like how not everyone lived at the end. it made it seem more real. for it is just impossible that every character is going to survive this great last battle. a battle that is for the survival of mankind. as much as i would love all the characters to survive, it just doesn't seem logical that they would. too many times in series do all the characters survive and for me it's just hard to believe. now there are main characters that survive the last battle, not everyone dies. and i'm glad for that too. i want the characters i love to survive.

i like how the book ends. it ends how every book in the series starts. in the beginning of every book robert jordan (and then brandon sanderson) started it with the wind blowing through different parts of the world. blowing around and taking the reader all over. the end of the book (the last two paragraphs) go back to the wind and have it blowing again. to me, it shows how the world continues to move on. for also at the beginning of every book it says something to the lines of: the wind was not the beginning. there are no beginnings nor endings to the turning of the wheel of time. but it was a beginning. the end of the book, the last two sentences, went right back to that. it said: 'there are no endings, and never will be endings, to the turning of the wheel of time. but it was an ending.' i thought it was a great way to end the book/series.

one of the characters in the book is named aviendha. she was a great character and one of my favorites. i've been in love with her name from when she was first introduced. i really want to name my daughter aviendha rose (rose being a family name for the child's middle name). another character in the book was matrim. my brother's name is matthew and from time to time i would call him matrim (as a side note, my brother is the person who got me into the books, so he knew what i was talking about when i called him that).

these are just some of the things that i love about the books. i'm sure i could go on forever about them, but i don't want to bore you. in the end, i love everything about the series. i'm very happy with how it ended. i'm sad that there isn't anything else that will be coming out for the world of the wheel of time. at least not any time soon. everyone should go out and read the series. it is some wonderful literature. let the dragon ride again.

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