Tuesday, November 6, 2012

go and vote!

to many people today voting seems so normal, lame, not something to even think about; kind of thing. the generation that died to give us the right to vote, is long and dead. i doubt we can even make out the writing on their tomb stones. but fight and die they did. and it wasn't for nothing, it was to give us many rights that we now take for granted. it gives us many rights the people in other countries are just NOW getting. so today i'm going to do what my fellow countrymen - many years ahead of me - died for. i'm going to go out and vote today. and you should do. i don't care who you vote for (well i do, but i'm not going to tell you your wrong, or how horrible of a person you are for not voting how i think you should) but vote you should. it's a right that had to be fought for and died for. go and vote!

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