Friday, October 19, 2012

things and stuff

hey everyone. sorry it's been so long since i've written. i do apologize. things have been a little crazy for me. i will do my best to update much more often, like the old days. hehe.

i must write about dragon con a little bit. it was awesome as always. this was my second year going and i have no thoughts of stopping. there were some awesome costumes (as always). this year one of the guests of honor was RA Salvatore! sadly i didn't get to meet him, i tried but the line was too long and i never made it. but i did get to see him up close and personal. i did something new this year, i went to the walk of fame. which is where the celebrities go and you can get their signatures. saw katee sakof, jonathan franks, levar burton, michael dorn and felica day (just to name a few). i didn't get any of their signatures but, i did get lou ferigno's. if you don't know who he is, he played the hulk for the tv series. he is huge! and he was very nice to me. last year i had gone to his panel and he was so positive i couldn't help but like him. so i just had to get his signature this year. i made some new friends this year. so that was cool. and thanks to twitter, i get to stalk them. hehe. no one wanted to take my picture because of anything i was wearing, but at the Ta'veren tee's booth (wheel of time), they took a picture of my two wheel of time tattoos. that was pretty awesome. the girl recognized matt's saying on my arm right away and asked to take a photo. then when she was done i showed her my neck tattoo and she asked to take a photo of that. so that made me smile really big and feel all cool. so over all, dragon con was tons of fun! go to my flickr page and you'll see all the pictures i have.

so i posted about being on twitter and instagram now. yeah i'm addicted now. i check it all the time. i've already posted on twitter over 200 times. hehe. whats cool is when people i don't even know follow me on there. makes me feel like what i have to say is important. i know it's really not, but it makes me feel that way.

the wheel of time's a memory of light prologue came out for everyone to read. you had to pay like 4 bucks, but you could read it in full if you wanted. so of course(!) i did. it rocked! i can't wait until the book comes out. i'm really sad it comes out the day AFTER my birthday, jan 8th 2013. but, you better believe i will be buying it on 1/8. i actually might take the day off so i can read it all day. that may seem silly to you, but i wouldn't be able to handle working when i could being reading that book. that is how much i love those books. i can't believe they are coming to an end. i love the books so much, two of my tattoos are from the series (as mentioned above). i'm debating whether i should pre order it or not, i've never done that. so i don't know. but i WILL have that book. hehe.

cubs sucked this year. bears are rocking it. sadly i have nothing to say about hockey for they are locked out. and i don't think we will have a hockey season at all. so i'm going to go to a college hockey game at soldier field. notre dame, wisconsin, minnesota and miami ohio are going to be playing. so that should be fun. all of those school's have a history of having good teams. at least i'll get some kind of hockey. and i get to go to soldier field. i haven't been to it since i was like 8. so i'm excited for that. but sadly that game isn't until February.

well that's all for now. i will do my best to update more often. 

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