Sunday, May 1, 2016

30 for 30 Challenge 2016

A couple things before i go into my regular post:
-turns out my last post was my 200th post! Hurray!
-today is Beltane so Happy Beltane everyone!

ok for my post -
May is the 30 for 30 crafting challenge. i had tried to do this last year, but came up short. this year i'm going to do it and complete the whole month! this year i have a good incentive to complete the challenge, for i have a cousin getting married on June 4th that i'm completing a project for. and so i must have it done for the wedding. so i'm going to use the challenge to complete the project. for those who need a reminder of what the 30 for 30 crafting challenge is: the challenge is to craft (specifically cross stitch for me) for 30 days in a row for at least 30 minutes a day. it doesn't sound like that big of a deal, but when you are tired and just don't want to do anything, it can be hard to want to cross stitch. so this challenge will really help me finish my project for my cousins wedding. the only issue is that my cousin follows me on twitter and so the progress pictures i post will probably be super vague. sorry everyone. can't have my cousin seeing her gift before the wedding. i will for sure post the finished project when i am done and after the wedding. i promise!

Thanks to The Crafting Geek for inspiring me to do the challenge. check out her twitter and instagram to see her progress of the challenge. also you should check her out just to see the totally awesome stuff that she has made!

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