Monday, May 21, 2012

books into tv shows/movies

so literature doesn't always translate great into movies or tv shows. but it can be done if it's done correctly.

i am a fan of the books the sword of truth novels by terry goodkind - some of them are a little like 'alright i get it, lets get a move on', but over all i liked the series. i only have one major complaint about the series, is that love drives the story. i like having a love story in a book and there is nothing wrong with having a love story in the story, but to have it be the driving force in the books, not my cup of tea. i'm not a love story kind of person. i do have one more complaint about terry goodkind, he can be very preachy. VERY. he hits you over the head with what he thinks is right or wrong. but other then that, it is good fantasy and an original world.
 - as a side note my favorite characters in the book are the mord siths. they are great. just a bad ass bunch of women.
here's an image of some people cos playing as the mord siths at dragoncon 2011. just so awesome!

now this series was made into a tv show called the legend of the seeker. it went on for 2 seasons and then was cancelled. it's on netflix and i tried to watch it twice now and just can't get into it. i can't get past the first episode. this second time i tried to watch it i get further in the episode, but still couldn't finish it. i just can't get past the things they changed from the book in the show. i understand changes will be made. and normally i am ok with the changes and understand it's a movie and not the book. but this time i just can't do it. they make richard - the main character - out to not know anything and be somewhat of a weakling. where in the books, he doesn't know everything that is going on, but he is smart and definitely not a weakling. and that's what bothers me the most - is the changes they did to richard. i just can't get over that. you can change the story a little bit but don't change a characters character.

so yeah. not a fan. i understand i haven't watched all of it and maybe it gets better. but i just can't do it right now. so it's still saved in my netflix, but i won't watch it for awhile. but what it has wanted me to do is go and read the books again to remind myself that the books are good. so that is what i'm going to do.

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